Re: Wrong behaviour of validator ?

On 04.05.01 at 04:12, Philippe Deschamp <Philippe.Deschamp@INRIA.Fr> wrote:

>Hello !  I am not sure that my writing to this address is appropriate,

It is. (hmm, maybe we need to revise the text of that page)

>When validating a page (namely
>http://www-Rocq.INRIA.Fr/qui/Philippe.Deschamp/CMTI/glossaire.html but
>it should not matter much), I checked "Show source input" and had the
>surprise of seeing strange characters replacing sequences beginning
>with an accented character in my iso-8859-1 source.

Apparently, we have bug here somewhere. I'll look into it when I have a
moment and see if we can't fix it. Thanks for catching this!

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 02:41:11 UTC