Re: Minimized P valid XHTML?

At 2001-03-31T11:50-0000, Osmo Saarikumpu wrote:-

> Well, it certainly clears my problem by narrowing and it to an exact
> question. So, to clarify:
> a) according XML 1.0 <colgroup /> is valid (may be used)
> b) according to XHTML 1.0 <colgroup /> is not valid (must not be used)

Both correct, if you substitute "allowed" for "valid"; the technical
meaning of the word "valid" in this context conflicts with its usual
meaning. It is still valid, in the technical sense of the word, but a
document that uses it will not be a strictly conformant XHTML 1.0
document, because of the constraint imposed by section 4.3. IOW, it should
indeed not be used, even though the validator will (correctly) report that
it is valid. (Phew)

> and the question: which recommendation rules for a xhtml 1 Transitional
> document?

XHTML 1.0 does, whichever of the DTDs is used. It is not exactly
overriding XML: it just imposes additional constraints beyond those of
well-formedness and validity. The DTDs differ essentially only in what
elements and attributes are allowed and where.

Having said that, the Transitional and Frameset DTDs are intended for
backwards compatibility, and so it is more important for documents using
them also to follow the HTML Compatibility Guidelines in Appendix C.

Tim Bagot

Received on Saturday, 31 March 2001 08:08:20 UTC