Re: Producing an XML report from the validator

About a month ago, a hot topic on this list was generating XML
from the validator.  I made noises about doing something, then got

Anyway, I've now got enough of a round tuit to hack up a presentable
prototype.  Specifically, I have:

  * Mapped the structure of SP messages to an XML representation
  * Written a DTD for XHTML with SP messages
  * Written a new XMLMessageReporter class for SP that generates all
    messages to the XML format
  * Put up a web page describing what I've done, with a set of
    online tools generating XML reports (including validation),
    and downloadable source code.

This is very much a first stage in generating genuinely useful
reports: basically all I've done is to capture what's already
available in SP but until now was lost in the output.  I'd like
to put this work forward for review, and ask your opinions
on whether what I've done is sensible and useful, and where
we should be going from here.

It's at <URL:>.  As of now I regard it
as a discussion document and an experimental prototype, both
subject to change.

Nick Kew

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2001 19:58:57 UTC