Re: meta question

On 19.08.01 at 13:33, wrote:

>I do believe you can download the text of the W3C page for your private
>viewing without violating copyright. Check out the following URI for
>general copyright information .....
>10 Big Myths about copyright explained
>...... and, for more precise information in this regard, contact the W3C
>via their home page.

Without claiming to speak for the W3C in any way shape or form, and with
the disclaimer IANAL ("I Am Not A Lawyer"):

You can download that, and any other, page at and munge it to your
heart's content provided you do not re-publish it. You can even do a lot
more under international copyright law, but the specifics begin to get a
bit complicated after a while. Brad's most excellent FAQ above should give
you the general idea. In particular, you would probably be interested in
the concept of "Fair Use" in this case.

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 22:29:16 UTC