Re: correct code - impaired presentation

In a message dated 2/24/00 5:31:29 AM US Mountain Standard Time, Thomas 
Frovin Jensen wrote:

>  I have recently discovered the usefulness of HTML - validators. However
>  there is one aspect that bothers me. It is possible to write a page with
>  correct HTML that looks awfull on the screen, or rather looks nice in MS
>  Internet Explorer, but is corrupted in Netscape Navigator. The problem
>  is, which I think we all know, that Microsoft went so far in
>  'userfriendliness' that even if your HTML code is not completely correct
>  Explorer attempt to show what was intended. Very 'friendly' to less
>  professional code writers but leading to bad habits like "If its works
>  in Explorer it is OK" Or 'not testing your page's performance in other
>  browsers"

I have personally not experienced this, rather, I have always found that web 
pages that validate display correctly in all Browsers.

James Pickering
Tucson, Arizona

Tools and Information for producing well-formed web pages

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Received on Thursday, 24 February 2000 11:59:02 UTC