Re: [www-validator-css] <none>

On 2011-04-23, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> Anyway, if you click on "More Options" and then select "CSS level 3" 
> in the "Profile" menu, you get "No Error Found"-

That still doesn't explain where the error report came from. Especially 
since it sounds like something that would be coming from 
parametrization, and so from outside of the standard altogether. From 
font names, or whatnot.

Where *does* it come from, in the end?
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,
+358-50-5756111, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Received on Sunday, 24 April 2011 02:54:27 UTC