Semi bug report

Semi bug report
Hello you guys in W3C
Merry Christmas to all of you :)

I'm not sure... but I choose to say I've found a "bug" in your validator


-This document validates as <>CSS!
-To show your readers that you've taken the care to create an interoperable 
Web page, you may
-display this icon on any page that validates. Here is the HTML you could 
use to add this icon to your Web page:

-If you like, you can download a copy of this image to keep
 in your local 
web directory,
-and change the HTML fragment above to reference your local image rather 
than the one on this server.

Well i found it rather hard to download a copy of the picture... 
Explanation follows...
When I ran the HTML-validator I was given an option to download two 
pictures either GIF or PNG
Although I had to right click and save the picture I was satisfied with the 
HTML-validator page

I know that W3G encourage us to use content negotiation...
Reference http://www.w
- If you are using, for example, Apache, you can set it up to do content 
-You keep the file extension (such as .png) on the file (eg mydog.png), but 
refer to the web resource without it.

According to this The validator page is perfectly alright...
BUT my problem is that i can not download a picture when there is no extension
IE55 give me the option to save the picture as BMP... I don't think that's 
Your intention :)

Just to verify i tried with Ope
ra too, then the result was either link to 
another page, or when i selected
the save picture my option was "vcss" as filename... Who knows what 
extension or content type :)

As I am a patient person, and that I try to figure out how to solve the 
problem I use the method of elimination:
The link to the picture in the HTML-validator said and by changing
this to I was able to solve the problem.

As a conclusion: I do
n't find this a very big problem, but it is a problem 
anyway... :)
As W3C or W3 is an Organization that's supposed to do "everything right" 
I'll leave it to you to decide
what to do. I just wanted to Inform you.
I would be happy to have a reply on this email.

Viel Grüß

Petter Arild Heitman

Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 18:18:18 UTC