Persistent, preferred, and alternate styles?

I have been reading up on stylesheets and this is driving me crazy:

Persistent, preferred, and alternate styles?

First is referring to the above as "styles" correct or not, and if not, what
should they be referred to as?

Can one only have one above "style" per HTML document (not counting

Persistent: No TITLE attribute listed in LINK tag, all listed rules
contained in external style sheet will be applied to document associated
with external css text file.

Can HTML document associated via LINK to external style sheet have more than
1 PERSISTENT style in HEAD section or if more than one, then is the TITLE
attribute used with each LINK tag and each attribute value of each TITLE is
identical, becoming in effect PREFERRED, with no PERSISTENT allowed?

I am just confused as to the combining of one or more of these styles to a
HTML docuemnt.

Thanks for any help

Received on Saturday, 4 August 2001 23:31:43 UTC