Doesn't Exist

I don't understand why this doesn't exist?  Maybe not in Netscape, but what's new.  Unless there is another way to do this so it may work both in Netscape and Internet Explorer, it should come back as a valid CSS document due to the fact is doesn't cause any errors and works with Internet Explorer...

Thanks for your time, Andrew Schools...

a.. Line: 95 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-face-color doesn't exist : #000000 

a.. Line: 96 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-arrow-color doesn't exist : #ffe100 

a.. Line: 97 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-3dlight-color doesn't exist : #d6d6d6 

a.. Line: 98 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-highlight-color doesn't exist : #ffffff 

a.. Line: 99 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-shadow-color doesn't exist : #e1e1e1 

a.. Line: 100 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-darkshadow-color doesn't exist : #808080 

a.. Line: 101 Context : BODY 
Property scrollbar-track-color doesn't exist : #808080

Received on Saturday, 4 August 2001 13:14:24 UTC