CGI & Location

What should a server do if a script returns

Location: /an/otherfile
Myheader: value

should it
a) ignore the Myheader, and simply act as if /an/otherfile was requested
b) return /an/otherfile but add the Myheader header?

If b), should the headers added by the script take precedence over headers
appropriate for the new document?

Apache and NCSA <= 1.3 do (a). I have heard a rumour that NCSA 1.5 does (b).
I receiveda request from a user who wants Apache to do (b) so that he
can add netscape 'Window-Target:' headers to the servers respose.

I'd appreciate any input so that I can get a concensus to settle this point
for the CGI specification.

 David Robinson.

Ref: draft-robinson-www-interface-00.txt available via

Received on Wednesday, 24 January 1996 08:47:42 UTC