Re: Smart Contracts, DRM, etc // was Re: Don't cache things against content providers' wishes. Re: Draft finding - "Transitioning the Web to HTTPS"

As an architectural group, if you're pushing DRM for the Web, you're
already enforcing law thru technology...

Can you balance the equation and design a protocol that enforces privacy?

To clarify. privacy is not strongly protected by law or else governments
and corporations wouldn't be collecting, retaining and analyzing our
private communication/data.

But if privacy was to be strongly protected by law then how would you
almost *strongly guarantee* it thru technology? Same for anything else
that's being done that should not be legal. If DRM is OK to architect into
the web, then so should privacy and everything else that should not be

And that's where the TAG is missing an opportunity IMO, focusing on
corporate agenda (e.g. DRM) and not so much on working hard enough to
guarantee the human rights of web users (primary among them is privacy) by
creating strong guarantees in the web's security architecture for privacy,
and acknowledging in the open all existing holes, and while supporting wire
lawful use of tapping law. It's clear that the problem is bigger than the
TAG's scope but it does not mean that the TAG cannot be a useful
participant in solving it. You hold a position of leadership on
architecture and are expected to help in not only aligning architecture
with law but also advocating new laws where they're missing. Politicians
don't even know what is possible in terms of *strong guarantees thru
architecture* and what is not, and so what is being asked is to carry some
of the educational burden and help shape the debate around laws that should
be there that aren't (like privacy) and their technical enforceability.

Things like:
Stronger security layer (incl. acknowledging existing holes, and fixing
them, ahead of adopting flawed protocols everywhere)
Making things that should be prohibit by law extremely hard while educating
and collaborating with EFF et al on the need for corresponding laws.
Giving law enforcement lawful, selective wiretapping ability but only once
privacy of the general public is guaranteed by law.... probably the
thorniest issue but a must have for civil society to function

Feel free to shoot the messenger.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:19 AM, Marc Fawzi <> wrote:

> Have you looked into Smart Contracts?
> As an architectural group, if you're pushing DRM for the Web, you're
> already enforcing law thru technology...
> Can you balance the equation and design a protocol that enforces privacy?
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:59 AM, Yves Lafon <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Mark Nottingham wrote:
>>  Should it be illegal for an ISP to inject anything (like javascript) of
>>>> any sort into anything (like http: HTML pages) ?
>>>> Making it illegal doesn't stop the remote outright criminal or the
>>>> oppressive regime.  But it stops corporations and institutions, like ISPs
>>>> and SNSs and content providers in many countries.  It means that the
>>>> incentives tip, can make the system run a whole lot more smoothly, and we
>>>> can focus the energy and the technical measures more effectively.
>>> It's tempting to suggest something like "Architecture of the World Wide
>>> Web vol. 2: Law and the Web."  Is the TAG the right body to work on that?
>> Which reminds me of the failed attempt at pushing
>> --
>> Baroula que barouleras, au tiƩu toujou t'entourneras.
>>         ~~Yves

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 14:01:29 UTC