RE: [httpRange-14]: New Draft Finding "Dereferencing HTTP URIs"


Great comments!  One little note: 

> From: Jonathan Rees
> . . .
> "Information resources" - the definition in terms of "essential
> characteristics" is useless, since it is neither objective, accurate,
> or precise. We don't need a rigorous definition, just one that helps
> us to distinguish IR's from non-IR's most of the time, and perhaps to
> answer the question of when distinct URI's denote the same IR. Several
> alternative definitions have been proposed, such as John Cowan's "a
> resource that we are willing to identify with its representations" and
> David Booth's "a networked source of representations". (See
> .) The requirement
> for a definition should be admitted first; the actual definition
> itself is less important.
> . . . .

FWIW, I've slightly updated my proposed definition of information
resource to include the word "sink":
a network source/sink of representations
because some information resources are more about consuming information
than producing information.  For example, consider a confessional site
that allows you to submit your confession, but the only "representation"
it ever gives out -- with an HTTP 200 Okay status code of course -- is
"Thank you.  You are absolved."

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

Received on Friday, 1 June 2007 03:51:01 UTC