Andrew Layman and Don Box Analysis of XML Optimization Techniques

The TAG has recently given some attention telcons to the question of 
Binary XML and to the conclusions of the XML Binary Characterization 
Working Group [1].  I've recently become aware of an analysis by Andrew 
Layman and Don Box that may be of interest [2].  I believe their work 
supports the following conclusions:

* An alternative to binary XML, Andrew and Don show that a LISP-like text 
syntax "(...) may optimize better than the existing "<...>" approach.

* As some of us stated repeatedly, detailed experimental measurements and 
even formal performance models are essential to justifying any particular 
approach to optimization. 
I suggest we consider these important results in any future discussions.



Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 21:30:38 UTC