Re: Draft 2 of "How to Compare URIs"

Paul Cotton wrote:

> I have discovered that a significant amount of existing code already
> uses upper case A-through-F characters when %-escaping.  I wonder upon
> what grounds you recommend the use of lower-case?

Aesthetic.  It's hard to believe there's a technical advantage either way.

> In particular we should note that the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions
> and Operators escape-uri() function [1] recommends the use of upper
> case:

Blecch.  My personal experience is that I see more lower-case than 
upper-case, but clearly both are loose in the world.  Is there some 
research behind the XQuery draft's position or was it an arbitrary 
choice?  Do I detect the impact of SQL upper-case culture?

Anyhow, the interoperability benefit is achieved if people pick one or 
the other, doesn't matter which.  I suggest that if we discover that 
there is noticeably more upper-case than lower-case, we pick upper-case, 
otherwise lower-case.  -Tim

Received on Monday, 13 January 2003 13:41:36 UTC