RE: Options for dealing with IDs

At 13:45 2003 01 07 -0800, David Orchard wrote:

>Another potential aspect to look at is how XPointer would deal with these
>various approaches.  Perhaps show how XPointer is affected by each,
>particularly for bare names.  For example, Option #1, #8 has the
>disadvantage that it means XPointer requires DTD or Schema validation.
>Option #5, #6 has the disadvantage that the XPointer parser has to look at
>the xml:idattr to figure out what the id attribute name is.

I don't think XPointer looks at xml:idattr any more than
it looks at, say, xml:base.  It looks at the infoset.

All we'd have to say in a new little xml:id-ish spec
is that xml:idattr adds a few pieces of information to
the infoset (that, to date, only comes from the DTD),
and there need be no change to XPointer.


Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2003 16:57:02 UTC