Re: Grinding to a halt on Issue 27.

Joshua Allen wrote:
> ...
> Two different divisions in the same company may use what they *think* is
> the same namespace for their documents (and when they click on the
> namespace name it sure enough connects them to the right place, so how
> are they to know differently?).

If they share schemas and schema-validate the schema will tell them 
differently. If they don't schema-validate then they are liable to run 
into all sorts of case-mismatches, mispellings or uses of "-" instead of 
"_" etc.

Perhaps another thing to consider is that the RDDL document could define 
the canonical form of the URI so that users could be warned when they 
use anything else.

  Paul Prescod

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2003 13:17:11 UTC