- From: Steven Pemberton <Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl>
- Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 14:26:35 +0200
- To: <www-tag@w3.org>, "Norman Walsh" <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM>, "HTML WG" <w3c-html-wg@w3.org>
> Recently, the TAG considered the scope of XLink[1]. We concluded[2] that > XLink should be used for hypertext references in user-interface > oriented applications. > > In light of this conclusion, it is the unanimous opinion of the TAG > that XLink should be used for hypertext references in XHTML 2.0. It is not clear you have the authority to say that. The W3C AC voted on the issue when XLink went to Rec: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2000OctDec/0036.html "b) There has been an ongoing request from the HTML Working Group that a processor should, by reading an XHTML schema, be able to deduce the XLink semantics of XHTML links. The W3C Note "XLink Markup Name Control" [5] proposes two solutions. These demonstrate that a processor aware of certain new conventions would indeed deduce these semantics. [Question 2, about minority opinion (b)] We encourage you, in your review comments, to indicate whether you prefer that W3C develop these conventions on the Recommendation track, or leave them as a demonstration of feasibility." In the announcement of going to Rec, it was stated (note that a new spin had been added that wasn't in the original question): 27 June 2001 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2001AprJun/0043.html "These two issues featured heavily in the negative reviews. [...] 2) The question of a more principled resolution of problem of the attribution of linking semantics as defined by this specification in cases where existing W3C languages cannot adopt the linking syntax defined by this specification was already raised during the Candidate Recommendation review of this specifiction. The decision to advance to Proposed Recommendation explicitly chose to proceed without such a resolution in the specifiction, but to continue work on the problem. This work has made some progress, and a solution now seems likely to emerge from a combination of W3C activities in the areas of the XML Infoset, XML Schema and the XML Processing Model (see below): We expect to include this area in the responsibilities of a rechartered Linking Working Group when the call for participation for this group is made." That fact that this last didn't happen, despite the apparent expectation, is what made the HTML WG start to investigate HLink. > * The charter of XHTML 2.0 includes the "design goal is to use generic > XML technologies as much as possible". XLink is an existing, generic > XML technology. Yes, but "as much as possible" was added exactly to cover XLink, because it prevents us from doing the things we want to be able to do. > * XHTML is also expected to combine "with other W3C specifications, > for instance, MathML [and] SVG". Given that MathML and SVG already > use XLink for hypertext references, that would seem to be precedent > for using XLink in XHTML. That the TAG doesn't yet understand how XLink gets in the way of combining with other specifications will be the source for much future discussion, which I will reserve for a later email. The fact that SMIL doesn't use XLink would seem to be a precedent for not using XLink in XHTML. For the HTML WG, Steven Pemberton Chair
Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 08:26:40 UTC