RE: Potential TAG issue in re consistency, Schema, etc.

From: "Dare Obasanjo" <>

> XPath 2.0 and XQuery use W3C XML Schema as a basis for a type system and 
> not merely as a validation language. 

But XQuery has its own data model and  "The data model does not represent element 
or attribute declaration schema components, but it supports various type-related 
operations." [1]   

The distinctive feature of WXS is not the type lattice in a resulting type-augmented
infoset (other schema languages could be invented to provide that, if there were
a reason) as much as its specific components: elements, abstract types, 
substitution groups, etc.

(And, for the an interesting disconnect between XQuery and WXS, see also

Rick Jelliffe


Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 07:46:18 UTC