Re: Is XHTML a dead end?

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/ Norman Walsh <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM> was heard to say:
| / Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| |> 4. Prohibiting nested links is silly.
| |
| | I scanned through HLink but I couldn't see anything about nested
| | links? (XLink doesn't *ban* them of course, just says that they don't
| | necessarily mean anything to an XLink processor.)
| Hmm. I can't find it now either. Maybe I read it somewhere else.
| Sorry, no slander intended.

I was reminded in private email of where I'd seen it. The XHTML1 spec
prohibits it with normative prose:

  > B. Element Prohibitions
  >   This appendix is normative.
  >   The following elements have prohibitions on which elements they can
  >   contain (see SGML Exclusions). This prohibition applies to all
  >   depths of nesting, i.e. it contains all the descendant elements.
  >   a  must not contain other a elements.

I didn't find a similar prohibition in a quick scan of the HTML2
draft, so perhaps this issue has gone away.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM    | Consistency requires you to be as ignorant
XML Standards Architect | today as you were a year ago.--Bernard
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  | Berenson
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Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 13:53:51 UTC