Re: Let's get some principles nailed down

Paul Prescod wrote,
> An XML namespace is just a set of names. According to the abstract
> model they have no semantic significance beyond that. By analogy, a
> function in a programming language is just a unit of code that takes
> inputs and generates outputs. Nevertheless, one SHOULD document
> functions in a programming language and SHOULD document one's
> namespaces.

The documentation for a function in a programming language should tell 
you what it does and what it's for. A namespace doesn't _do_ anything 
and it's _for_ disambiguating names ... which is documented perfectly 
adequately in the Namespaces REC.

I _might_ choose to impose additional semantics on my namespaces, in 
which case I agree that I SHOULD document those semantics. But if I 
don't impose additional semantics then there's nothing to be 



Received on Monday, 18 November 2002 10:24:48 UTC