Re: textLength and textAdjust

On Sun, 2016-08-28 at 10:06 -0400, David Dailey wrote:

> Further, Mr. Hunt goes on to say that these are applicable only to
> <text> and not to <tspan>, I get the sense from the SVG1.1 spec that
> both are meant to be applicable to <tspan>, however the example [3]
> seems to render inconsistently everywhere, with only Chrome doing it
> as I might like.

The SVG 2 spec makes it clear (I hope) that 'text-length' applies to
both <text> and <tspan> elements. Child element adjustments should be
resolved before parent elements adjustments.

We have discussed the problem of fitting text inside a given region
several times (especially in regards to labels). This is also a problem
for HTML so a general solution that works for both CSS/HTML and SVG is
desired. This will require action on the part of the CSS working group.

Note, the 'spacingAndGlyphs' value for 'length-adjust' has font
designers cringing.


Received on Monday, 29 August 2016 10:00:41 UTC