Re: SVG labelling issue with ARIA

This is an authoring guidance discussion. 

We should not break ARIA mapping practices because they did something wrong. Also, title shows up as tooltips and the tooltip may be help information. In ARIA we intentionally leave title as a last resort. If the author decides to override things they should do it with intent in mind. 


> On Apr 22, 2016, at 2:06 AM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds <> wrote:
> Ouch, yes, of course.  James is right, you can't use the redundant aria-labelledby here, because it wouldn't be redundant, it would be a degradation of functionality.
> So given browser support today, the practical matter is that you can't progressively enhance internationalization support without compromising the "graceful degradation" of accessibility support.
> On 21 April 2016 at 23:14, James Nurthen < <>> wrote:
> But won't the redundant aria-labelledby override the native labelling mechanism so when browsers implement the multi-lingual title switch it will require removing that aria-labelledby? Or does SVG work differently so the native mechanism takes precedence over the aria-labelledby?
> On 4/21/2016 2:45 PM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds wrote:
>> Yes, it's unfortunate that this fallback hack can't "polyfill" the new SVG multilingual title-switch functionality, but the multilingual title switch was designed to have a simple SVG 1.1 fallback anyway: use the first <title> element.  So if you are going to add the redundant aria-labelledby attribute for fallback support, it should point to the first <title>.  That way, screen readers get the same text as visual users with tooltips on a browser that doesn't support the new feature (currently all of them).

Received on Monday, 25 April 2016 13:39:48 UTC