Re: 'stroke' shorthand

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Jeremie Patonnier
<> wrote:
> That said I suggest the following to resolve that issue:
> Make stroke a short hand that allows to get several stroke-* value and introduce a new stroke-color property/attribute. But to not breaking existing content make stroke NOT overriding long hand property is they are already set and if they are not explicitly set in the short hand.

This isn't compatible with how the CSS cascade works, and so won't
fly.  When we expand a shorthand into the component longhands, we have
no idea what else is supposed to have been set.  Plus, the "reset"
ability of the shorthand is actually a safety feature that makes it
easier to extend the language in the future, as it means that you can
use the shorthand and be sure of what you'll get, even if we add new
things to the shorthand in the future (rather than having the new
features leak through into your styling because you didn't override
them explicitly).


Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 21:48:20 UTC