www-svg@w3.org from November 2013 by subject

'stroke' shorthand

[Bug 23468] Define that unknown elements implement SVGElement

[CSSWG][css-syntax] Last Call WD of CSS Syntax Module Level 3

[filter-effects] A few more issues: 'in2', 'feSpecularLighting', CSS Comp. & Blend. modes

[filter-effects] resolution dependent filter primitives

A thought on SVG glyphs,.. or alternative naming

Action to bring in aria-describedat and switch the reference from ARIA 1.0 to 1.1 from TPAC meeting Completed

Automatic centering and positioning

Call for "Open Font Format" Color Font Technology and MATH layout support

Data IRIs in pint references.

Error in "An SVG Primer for Today's Browsers"

Error in “An SVG Primer for Today's Browsers”

focus event updates

Gabor noise [was RE: Perlin and simplex noise]

Geometric vs rasterized bounding boxes

Improving SVG DOM: Modification request

Inline HTML

keyboard events

keypress event in HTML

Minutes October 31, 2013 SVG Working Group Meeting

minutes, SVG TPAC 2013 F2F Day 1

minutes, SVG WG TPAC F2F 2014, day 2

New path primitive

Number of vertices unclear, when using closepath command

Porting fill/stroke (and -opacity variants) to plain CSS

Proposed SVG Streaming CG (Re: minutes, SVG TPAC 2013 F2F Day 1)

Resource priorities and SVG

SVG 3D transforms

SVG fonts: [ was RE: minutes, SVG WG TPAC F2F 2014, day 2]

SVG spec bug: "min" attribute values should be greater than *or equal to* 0

SVG2 spec event cleanup

SVG2 spec.

switch and allowReorder

Switching to DOM3 events

Turning image interpolation off.

x and y in the turbulence C code

Last message date: Thursday, 28 November 2013 09:10:55 UTC