Rendering text on paths - suggestions

Dear all,

in my apps I frequently render dials (text on circles). I center the text
(text-anchor: middle) and place it to the certain point on the path. Here is
the list of suggestions that would help me:

1. A new flag for not clipping the text outside the path. It is a circle in
my case and centered text rendering at startOffset = 0/100% is problematic.
It works only (but not always) for single letter strings. Maybe there is a
better solution, but now I render this text on an extra circle at 50% and
rotate it by 180°.

2. Clarify if it is possible to use negative startOffset values or values
over 100%. Now I have to do normalization to the proper range (0-100%) as
some browsers do not accept anything else.

3. Clarify how to deal with the space, see

The most important is (1) for me. If there is any flag or approach for not
clipping already, please let me know. I am about to render the text on the
special circle-like but not symmetric shape and my workaround (simple
rotation) is not applicable here :-(

Regards, Jan

Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 12:26:20 UTC