Re: feColorMatrix type="saturate"

> I've just made that change in the Filter Effects draft:

Just for clarification: If the values are outside the range of 0..1, we can get color values outside the range of 0..255. I assume the color value should be set to 0 if new value < 0 and set to 255 if new color value > 255.

An example for the red channel, a saturation of 4 and the color rgb(255, 0, 255):

(0.2127 + 0.7873 * 4) * 255 + (0.7152 - 0.7152 * 4) * 0 + (0.0722 - 0.0722 * 4) * 255 = 802.0515


Received on Sunday, 2 October 2011 06:38:09 UTC