Re: SVG Feature Request: Toggle text selection sensitivity

Thank you Olaf.

On reviewing the focusable section, I doesn't address select events,
rather it addresses tab stop functionality and in place text editing.
This might be a good place to introduce a text selection transparency
feature, but it doesn't appear to do so at present.

OTOH, setting pointer-events to 'none' on the text element does solve
the specific problem presented in my use-case.  I'm so pleased, let me
know where to send beer!

So, this is an answer, and it invalidates the problem presented by my
use case.  I'm straining my brain to think of a case where it wouldn't
suffice.  No luck.

2011/4/6 Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <>:
> Hello,
> did you already explore, if
> focusable from SVG tiny 1.2 does the job?
> (of course, currently not yet implemented in all viewers, but
> already specified for this profile ...)
> I assume, you checked already, that pointer-events
> does not provide what you need?
> Olaf


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2011 17:15:57 UTC