removeChild and <use> question

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Patrick Dengler <> wrote:
> We also saw similar inconsistent behaviors with events on <use>
> We found that the behavior of <use> referring to an element which is currently not the part of DOM but added later to DOM via DOM manipulation are handled differently in different browsers.
> These seem like good topics for our next conference call.

Just to support what Patrick says, I find that any dynamic behavior on
use elements is dangerously inconsistent across SVG engines and I
avoid it.  This is unfortunate because there lies the potential for
some powerful constructs.

It's not unlikely that these concepts are under specified, or too
esoteric in the spec.  I haven't looked lately.

On the up side, It's cool that engines are advanced enough that this
issue is worthy of consideration.



Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2010 23:13:45 UTC