Re: Selectors, getElementsByTagName() and camelCase SVG

On Fri, 03 Apr 2009 15:02:03 +0200, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> Agreed, which is why I'd like to not have this edge case dictate  
> implementation policy and affect performance of the common case to he  
> deree that it does with the spec as written.

How about we change getElementsByClassName() to do this:

   1. Let asciilowercasetoken be the result of lowercasing token.
   2. Iterate through the DOM and return elements which:

      a. Have the HTML namespace and whose localName is identical
         to asciilowercasetoken.
      b. localName is identical to token.

This would work well for Selectors too I think. You would never match  
createElementNS(HTML namespace,"IMG"), but that element does not have  
actual <img> semantics anyway and is something people would never do.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 3 April 2009 13:16:34 UTC