Re: [SVGMobile12] script element processing

On Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 10:55:04 PM, Anne wrote:

AvK> On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 20:45:11 +0200, Chris Lilley <> wrote:

>> Unless you can point to an EBNF that allows optional leading and
>> trailing space in this attribute, then I don't see what there is to
>> discuss about it.

AvK> Actually, case-sensitivity does seem to be an issue. SVG could for example
AvK> allow all valid media types or only media types in their canonical form.
AvK> Regarding leading and trailing spaces, that's more a question with regard
AvK> to existing implementations etc.

AvK> It's also unclear what has to be done with parameters.

All of those questions (canonical forms, whether parameters are part of the grammar, case sensitivity) should be answered by RFC 2046. SVG just follows that.

>> AvK> What if there are Element nodes and such in there? You're not really
>> AvK> answering the question I raised.

>> If someone dumps a bunch of elements as children if a script element,
>> for a non-xml scripting language, they should not be surprised if the
>> script engine becomes upset.

AvK> That doesn't really help me implementing this.

Actually it does; if your script implementation gets a bunch of pointy brackets and stuff then it does whatever that language definition says to do with such things.

Its rather like asking what {
  color: red;
  <?Hey Anne isn't this odd?>
  font-style: italic }


AvK>  Could you please provide a
AvK> specific algorithm such as  
AvK> provides.

Didn't I point you to a specific algorithm (from a W3C Rec) already?

 Chris Lilley          
 Interaction Domain Leader
 Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 21:20:55 UTC