Re: [SVGMobile12] script element processing

On Jul 21, 2006, at 15:40, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> <>:
>   This specification is defined in terms of the DOM. The language in
>   this specification assumes that the user agent expands all entity
>   references, and therefore not include entity reference nodes in the
>   DOM. If user agents do include entity reference nodes in the DOM,  
> then
>   user agents must handle them as if they were fully expanded when
>   implementing this specification. For example, if a requirement talks
>   about an element's child text nodes, then any text nodes that are
>   children of an entity reference that is a child of that element must
>   be used as well.

Duh, I searched for "EntityReference" and couldn't find anything,  
didn't think far enough.

> But I'm happy
> the SVG Working Group is now able to recognize this as a problem...

I'm not at all convinced that the problem is the same, no. If I  
insert an EntityReference node as child of a script element I sure  
want its textual content to be taken into account by the script,  
especially since that's automatic and trouble free. If I use  
ElementTraversal, I expect the elements I get through it to have  
their parentNode be the element through which I got them...

The fact that some parsers may expand them and others not is DOM as  

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Friday, 21 July 2006 14:38:19 UTC