Re: [SVGMobile12] more on data types

"Robin Berjon" <>
> On Jan 11, 2006, at 17:14, Jim Ley wrote:
>> loosening error conditions don't change the fact of what is error- 
>> correctable by a good implementation is likely wider still, by just 
>> removing the must-ignore requirement it gives the freedom to 
>> implementors to do the right thing by their users without relaxing  what 
>> authors must do to ensure their content is interopable.
> I still don't quite get you, how do you error-correct <rect x='dahut'/>?

you don't, that's clearly an error, but if you just go for rules like 
"remove leading and trailing whitespace", then what do you do with things 

color="#ff 00 aa"

that's easily correctable too, and if you then write the rules that say how 
to correct that what do you do with the next example, and the next, and the 
next.  If these rules are left up to implementations (and I would of course 
encourage implementations to agree on error recovery like this) then more 
things can be recovered than those that are thought of now.


Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 17:03:23 UTC