Re: SVG(mobile)1.2: Where is the Accessibility Appendix & keyboard navigation


Can you explain why Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Full 1.2 (draft) 
**  currently makes no mention of accessibility?
As a core feature, where is the appendix?

SVG has the potential to develop and enrich the meaning of  
accessibility. This is particularly relevant as WCAG 2 has recently  
recognised the value of alternatives to text. Navigation and game  
play offer vast uncharted reefs:

Navigation: Is it wise to force users (and authors) to think?

The various HTML standards such as underlining and highlight borders  
have been foregone, yet where is their replacement in the  
accessibility documentation?
Sorry this isn't clearer, this refers to: WCAG 2.4.8  Information  
about the user's location within a set of delivery units is available.
" Providing a breadcrumb trail.
  Providing a site map.
  Identifying content's relationship to a larger collection using a  
technology-specific technique.
  Using an icon or text to indicate current location within  
navigation bars. "

within SVG all four of these criteria may be hard to provide  
directly. WCAG is derived in the main from static or non-animated media.
Relevant alternatives are essential.

If only a single element has focus at a given time, and focus moves  
from one element to another by various events including keyboard  
events and pointer events.
Will this break the expected behaviour of the browser for users? ,  
and should this be mentioned, so that other user agents adapt?

Game play: Please read, consider, link and contribute to, The  
International Game Developers Association Accessibility SIG: http://

Finally, does the statement "This appendix is informative, not  
normative." contradict the assertion that "Accessibility is not an  
optional extension" ?

I hope to respond in more detail some time soon!

thanks for your patience once again

Jonathan Chetwynd
Accessible Solutions

**This was my original question as per subject line, please note I  
did not refer to either SVGMobile12  or SVG Tiny 1.2


On 29 Nov 2005, at 20:00, Chris Lilley wrote:

Accessibility is a core feature - it is therefore described in the core
SVG Tiny 1.2 specification. Accessibility is not an optional extension.

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 07:12:14 UTC