Re: Last Call: SVG Tiny 1.2

On Thursday, December 8, 2005, 1:59:36 AM, Boris wrote:

>>    3. Review start and end dates
>>    Starting 7 December 2005
>>    Ending 28 December 2005

BZ> It will not be possible for me to comment on this draft by the 28th
BZ> -- I will only have net access for a few more days, then no net
BZ> access until early January.

Well, you can look at
search for your name, and see (from links to emails that we have already
sent to the public list) how your comments were resolved. So,it should
just be a case of checking that wording changes you requested are in
fact there, and make sense.

BZ> Is there a reasonable way I can send in comments around mid-January?
BZ> That's the earliest date by which I could possibly have made an
BZ> attempt to read the draft.

There might be a later version of the spec by then, but your comments
would still be welcome if you want to do a full review of the document.

BZ> For what it's worth, I think having the last call overlap so much
BZ> with the "holiday season" in the US is rather unfortunate in terms
BZ> of giving people time to actually comment on it. :(

Holiday season in the US is Thanksgiving to Christmas? Its May and
August in France ... do the best you can.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2005 01:16:02 UTC