Re: Keystone Application Framework implementing SVG graphics

On Thursday, July 22, 2004, 12:11:24 PM, Jacob wrote:

JL> Jacob Lister wrote:
>>> "Keystone is a cross-platform, object oriented application framework
>>> which allows applications to be written to build on the target platforms
>>> of GNU/Linux and Win32 without modification of their source. Keystone
>>> implements several modern Web standards, including SVG graphics and the
>>> XUL user interface description language."

>>Would you consider the implementation sufficiently advanced that the
>>WG should include it in its test matrix?

JL> I've done some investigation into this. Yes, the framework could
JL> render enough of the test suite to make it's inclusion worthwhile.

That is very good news.

JL> At present, I need to massage the test suite SVG files a little
JL> before they will load at all,

(Unfortunately that would mean they all fail, if listed publicly. See

JL> but I could easily get my implementation up to scratch to load and
JL> render the SVG test suite files and would be keen to do so.

I would very much encourage you to do that. What specific aspect of the
XML syntax currently requires hand editing on your part?

JL> A few questions -
JL>   * My implementation is a standalone application, and not a
JL> HTML browser plugin.

So are many of the other implementations tested.

JL> Therefore it's a little difficult to evaluate the side by side
JL> example style of the test suite harness. Any problem here?

The test suite has two parts - the test files themselves (svg files) and
the test suite harness (html files, svg files, png images, and so
forth). They have different licenses.

You are allowed to modiify the harness or use your own, or load the
files oneby one from a file browser, or instrument your viewer to
iterate through them all, or whatever you wish.

You are not allowed to alter the actual svg tests themselves in any way.
Well, you can, but they are no longer the W3C test suite and you can't
claim anything regarding them.

However, running the html harness (possibly on a different computer or
different screen) at the same time is helpful because
you can see the reference png and read the instructions.

JL>   * How would I go about making a submission?

I will send you an xml file to fill in. I would also need to see the
tests running in the implementation to verify that the tests are passed

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2004 12:13:50 UTC