Re: Keystone Application Framework implementing SVG graphics

On Friday, July 23, 2004, 10:29:26 AM, Jacob wrote:

JL> On Thursday, July 22, 2004, 12:11:24 PM, Jacob wrote:
JL>>   * How would I go about making a submission?

>>I will send you an xml file to fill in. I would also need to see the
>>tests running in the implementation to verify that the tests are passed

>Excellent, I look forward to that. The format is no big secret, here it
>is (three xml attachments)

I'm working through the test suite and filling in the XML results file now.
I have a few questions about the format -
   The results file has more entries than the test suite, are these duds?  
   I'm working from 
   (SVG Tiny Profile Results) for the tests to report on, is this the best subset of
   tests to be using for the SVG tiny profile?

   Initial revision numbers are a bit out of step with the test suite files, no real 
   correlation here?  A few examples in the results file have revision numbers ahead of the 
   test suite files.  I'll fill out revision numbers as listed in the test suite files

Thanks for your interest in the project, will be in touch soon with a small application to run
the test suite


Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2004 08:23:19 UTC