1.2 WD Comment: editable text

In response to the thread on SVG-Developers
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/svg-developers/message/32012 ) I posted the
following. I realize that comments like this are more properly addressed here so
here goes.

I hope that the spec will require the 'editable' attribute for children and
tspans as well as 'text' elements. Otherwise, there will be many cases where it
will frustrate developers. The use case I have in mind is where people might
want to have parts of a paragraph editable without making the entire paragraph
editable. For example, this is a great way to do simple forms such as:
<text x="0" y="10"><tspan editable="false">I, </tspan><tspan
text-decoration="underline"editable="true">Michael Bierman</tspan><tspan
editable="false">, do affirm that...</tspan>...</text>Other cases would include
the ability to use text-decoration within a text flow while also enabling
editable text.Respectfully,Michael Bierman

Founder: http://www.adobealumni.com
SVG Blog: http://linguagrafica.blogspot.com/

Received on Monday, 21 July 2003 21:28:35 UTC