17.2.2 SVG fragment identifiers

The description of SVG fragment identifiers notes the following:

"Spaces are not allowed in fragment specifications; thus, commas are
used to separate numeric values within an SVG view specification..."

Two comments/questions:

1) While it is true that spaces are not allowed, spaces can certainly be

 viewBox(0 0 200 200) --> #svgView(viewBox(0%200%20200%20200))

resulting in a perfectly valid URI.

2) The preserveAspectRatio attribute _requires_ that the <defer>,
<align> and <meet-or-slice> portions be separated by whitespace. Thus,
we either have to allow whitespace to be escaped as above, or allow
commas or other delimiters in lieu of whitespace:




Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp

Received on Sunday, 2 February 2003 23:54:19 UTC