Re: [www-svg] network

> > Where is the limit? 
> > There is a limit if you don't use XML. 
> > I don't understand this. 
> If you only support XML protocols, you can't do interesting stuff like SNMP,
> IMAP, IRC, HTTP+DAV, FTP, SMTP, etc. The Web is larger than XML. The Net is

If it is possible to make network connections to other servers then
the server the SVG is loaded from it can be a security problem.

It would be possible to make a 1x1pixel SVG Graphic that connects 50 times
per second to a server. 

I made an example that tracks all user actions (all mouse movements)  and sends 
this with postURL to *my* server. My Webserver was overloaded with one client. 

If you don't restrict the network connection this could become a real problem  
for servers from yahoo, amazon, microsoft,...
It would be easy to overload all the servers somebody don't like.


If the network connection is restricted you can write server based applications 
that do all this network protocols and communicate over an XML protocol with 
the client.



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