Re: Problems viewing SVG files in XML viewers

"David Naylor" skriver:
> Is there something that I am missing here. As far as I can tell, all these
> XML viewers are having a problem with the SVG DTD.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure, but I would check one basic thing first: are you online?
I.e. do you have access to 
when you try to view these svg-files?

I've had similar problems when using local (copies) dtd's which where
not in the same directory as the particular svg-file and thus, not
available to the SVG-Viewer. Once this was ok, I've been able to use the
IBM SVG-viewer which uses <!DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM "svg-19990730.dtd">
(I'm using an older version: 0.2a). Notice that this is a local copy!

Hope this was of some help :->


Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 11:15:51 UTC