tspan with absolute coordinates inside a textpath


Another question about tspan and textpath... in
the specification, we can read the following example
that uses relative coordinates with a tspan element
inside a textpath.

Now, I would like to know what will be the starting point
of the "then we go down, then up again" if
I'm using absolute coordinates (using the x and y attributes 
on tspan) instead of relative ? 

I mean : Does this sentence will still follow the path
(and using which starting point ?)

--- original example for the specification ---

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
 !DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG February 2000//EN" 
 <svg width="10cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 1000 300">
       <path id="MyPath"
                d="M 100 200 
                C 200 100 300   0 400 100
                C 500 200 600 300 700 200
                C 800 100 900 100 900 100" />
   <desc>Example toap02 - tspan within textPath</desc>

   <use xlink:href="#MyPath" style="fill:none; stroke:red" />
   <text style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:42.3333; fill:blue">
   <textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
      We go 
       <tspan dy="30" style="fill:red">up</tspan>
       <tspan dy="-30">,</tspan>
       then we go down, then up again


-- The new SVG document : --

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
 !DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG February 2000//EN" 
 <svg width="10cm" height="3cm" viewBox="0 0 1000 300">
       <path id="MyPath"
                d="M 100 200 
                C 200 100 300   0 400 100
                C 500 200 600 300 700 200
                C 800 100 900 100 900 100" />
   <desc>Example toap02 - tspan within textPath</desc>

   <use xlink:href="#MyPath" style="fill:none; stroke:red" />
   <text style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:42.3333; fill:blue">
   <textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
      We go 
       <tspan x="10 20" y="30 40" style="fill:red">up</tspan>
       <tspan dy="-30">,</tspan>
       then we go down, then up again



Thierry Kormann
email: Thierry.Kormann@sophia.inria.fr  http://www.inria.fr/koala/tkormann/
Koala/Dyade/Bull @ INRIA - Sophia Antipolis

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2000 09:10:05 UTC