[CSSWG] Minutes Toronto F2F 2019-06-06 Part II: Spatial Navigation, CSSOM View [css-nav] [cssom-view]

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Spatial Navigation

  - RESOLVED: Add spatial-navigation-function to the spec (Issue #3964)

  - There was a proposal to separate focus from "interest" in special
      navigation. Proposal text:
      An example of the difference is if a user is in a search box
      their interest would be in suggested results but the focus would
      still be on the input.
  - Some concern was expressed that these should be separate concepts,
      not all grouped together.
  - This was built referencing the accessibility tree and does have
      useful accessibility functionality, but if this isn't used
      widely it's likely that authors won't include it in their page
  - There was concern expressed about this working off the main thread


  - Issue #4011 is a proposal to add an event for when overscroll
      occurs and potentially to cap the scroll value to 0 and prevent
      negative values.
  - There is also discussion in a WICG topic over overscroll events:
  - Generally there was support for the overscroll event and interest
      in checking on web compat for changes to scroll value.
  - Discussion will continue on the WICG topic since currently CSSOM
      View doesn't cover overscroll at all so it seems premature to
      add this proposal


Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/toronto-2019

Scribe: heycam

Spatial Navigation

Predefined algorithm for spatial navigation
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3964

  jihye: In general, the focus moves to the closest element from the
         currently focused element
  jihye: and in the spec the algorithm for how to find the closest
         element, there is a description about that
  jihye: but some authors this kind of algorithm it's not suitable for
  jihye: depending on their own layouts
  jihye: So there is some spatial nav API to help authors customize
         this algorithm
  jihye: but it's difficult to do this, since they have to interrupt
         the processing model of spatial nav
  jihye: The processing model means finding the best target
  jihye: starting from when the user inputs some information, finding
         the best target -- all that process is called "processing
  jihye: It's hard to interrupt that in the middle
  jihye: so it would be nice to have a new CSS property to provide
         another algorithm for spatial navigation
  jihye: This will increase flexibility of spatial navigation, and
         will help authors to implement it more easily
  jihye: I want to propose spatial-navigation-function CSS property,
         with two values
  jihye: normal, where focus will move to the closest one
  jihye: and grid, this will go to the most aligned element from the
         currently focused element
  jihye: The focus will go to a more obvious spatial navigation
  jihye: You can select normal or grid, and see how it works
  demo: https://raw.githack.com/WICG/spatial-navigation/develop/demo/calendar/index.html

  florian: bikeshedding aside, I'm supportive of having a property to
           switch how we calculate the distance, how to pick
  florian: I'm wondering if we have the right values in that list
  florian: If we think we do, and implementors want to experiment with
           this, sure
  florian: but there are a number of variants we can think of
  florian: The ones proposed seem reasonable, but are they actually a
           good match?
  florian: The alternative to normal, is that what authors really
           want? We're lacking experience
  florian: It's difficult to say "70% of people who have trouble with
           normal want this grid behavior"
  jihye: With grid, I'm communicating with framework team in LG. This
         is their main request from them
  jihye: Their main implementation is something like TV schedule web
         page, or TV content
  jihye: Normally those kinds of pages, elements are grouped
         horizontally and vertically, so in that case moving the focus
         just horizontally or vertically is more important than moving
         to the closest one
  florian: For that reason, intuitively the grid behavior makes sense
           to me
  florian: If you have anecdotal evidence that authors want this, this
           is an improvement
  florian: Not quite as good as stats over many users but it's a start

  heycam: Is that sufficient evidence to add it to the spec?
  florian: We have some evidence it's wanted, and on the face of it is
           reasonable, so sure
  bkardell: I would like to reserve comments until after the next
            topic, since they're related
  Rossen: Any objections to adding this to the spec?

  RESOLVED: Add spatial-navigation-function to the spec

Introducing spatial navigation with “interest”
  documents: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ASYIuPpBm2cFxy_KUagakLGPc1mdF--rC9-EliqYRU

  bokan: The main problem this is trying to solve is that today
         spatial navigation just moves focus around on a page
  bokan: and focus is a preexisting property of pages
  bokan: Very often used for very different reasons
  bokan: It's not uncommon that pages will completely break when you
         do this
  bokan: e.g. youtube embeds, as soon as you move focus into them,
         they steal keys, now you're scrubbing through the video
  bokan: The proposal here was instead of moving focus around the
         page, we have another concept I call "interest"
  bokan: That's invisible until you enter into an element, then it
         will focus it
  bokan: This gets to a larger issue -- spatial nav is moving page
         level concepts around, and we're often fighting with the page
  bokan: So I think the more general point here is that I'd like to
         see spatial nav be a higher level concept, and not so tied to
         the page

  bokan: I think there are 2 problems
  bokan: First is general navigation on the web with spatial nav, this
         would be e.g. a TV browser or game console browser, browsing
         the web
  bokan: 2nd issue is when you're trying to build apps for these
         devices without mice/keyboards
  bokan: For me the spec and API are solving the second issue more
  bokan: In the 1st issue you want a non customizable, predictable
         spatial nav method
  bokan: but in the 2nd you want rich customizable experiences
  bokan: Would like to get thoughts on treating these separately

  florian: You had two topics
  florian: starting with the first one, the interest
  florian: Indeed the web as is today both when it comes to native
           controls, and author created things, consume key events
  florian: if you naively send key arrow events to the page sometimes
           they'll get consumed
  florian: Today, the spec doesn't say that arrow keys trigger spatial
  florian: so you probably can't do that
  florian: The spec doesn't advocate for any particular UI to trigger
           spatial nav
  florian: but I agree that most likely, to be compat with the web,
           you need to have something that isn't sending key events to
           the page be the thing that controls spatial nav
  florian: If you want to do it with arrow keys, you need a mode where
           it moves the spatial nav it around, and not in the page it
           sends the event to the page
  florian: What is not clear to me is when you're in that mode, the
           thing that you move around needs to not be the focus
  florian: I'm not dismissing it out of hand, but I don't know why it
           needs to be a separate thing
  florian: The distinction of concepts effectively means that what
           you're doing with focus later on is not spatial nav
  florian: From the point of view of the focus, the focus would just
           be jumping around
  florian: the decision of where to move is at another layer
  florian: All the pseudos that style the focus ring then wouldn't

  bokan: Key events are one example
  bokan: focus rings are the next thing
  bokan: On a mobile page, chances are it's set to :focus
         {outline: none}
  bokan: If you're using spatial nav you need to force a focus outline
  florian: If you're using a Tab key on a device with a mouse that you
           can't use, it's the same problem
  florian: If the user is using the key based navigation, I'll
           override the author styles to put a ring anyway, I think
           it's reasonable
  bokan: Problem is deeper. The outlines are often overlaid by other
         thing. By having the indicator be part of the page, it needs
         to be designed knowing that that's how the user will nav
         through the page
  bokan: overflow:clip on an element e.g. will cause the outline not
         to be visible

  bokan: I think we're spending a lot of time fighting with pages to
         find heuristics that work, but it's whack a mole
  florian: I agree it's a problem. Don't know why it's different for
           spatial nav to tab nav
  bokan: I think it's a problem in both, and we can solve it for both
  florian: So the interest movement will also apply for tab nav?
  bokan: Ideally this would be outside the rendering engine, outside
         the page
  bokan: I chatted with Rossen a few months ago, the idea was to use
         the accessibility tree and effectively use AT to do this
  bokan: If I'm not mistaken, the spec about outline gives a lot of
         flexibility, including that you can draw it on top of
         everything, for precisely that reason
  bokan: May be difficult for other reasons, but there's allowance for
  bokan: There are ways to fix these individual problems, but it seems
         like a long tail of things
  bokan: e.g. pages can move focus around programmatically, that could
         interfere with nav
  florian: But if authors have decided to style the focus outline, and
           you're going to have a thing that is not controllable by
           things in the page. You're effectively saying we should
           never have allowed the authors to customize focus outline
  florian: That sounds like what you're proposing to do
  AmeliaBR: As an a11y override
  florian: If you use that override every time you navigate...

  AmeliaBR: I generally like the idea of being able to talk about
            moving around the page in a spatial way separate from
  AmeliaBR: One thing in the current spec I find confusing is the way,
            if you're in a scroll container and you're navigating in a
            direction, jumping between focusable items
  AmeliaBR: but you have to deal with if you run out of focusable items
  AmeliaBR: Now you switch to scrolling instead of focusing, but why
            were you jumping before?
  AmeliaBR: It gets messy that you're not giving users the option to
            just scroll things smoothly with the spatial nav keys
  AmeliaBR: and that's one thing that would work if we're talking
            about just navigable content in general
  AmeliaBR: But there are lots of details and what florian brought up
            about recognizing where your focus outlines are is part of
  AmeliaBR: but if you're not just jumping to focusable items there
            are lots of things you might be interested in! Arrowing
            through every item on the page might be unusable
  AmeliaBR: One other way of thinking of it is that essentially it
            becomes like moving a a cursor around the page
  AmeliaBR: until you switch into a different mode
  AmeliaBR: Whatever's in my current focus interest rectangle,
            regional cursor, you can tab into it
  AmeliaBR: There are ways to think about different modes of
            navigation, agree with florian that we should make
            explicit modes so we're not overloading key behaviors
  AmeliaBR: but once we have those different modes that don't
            necessarily have to be mutually exclusive
  <tantek> No this is a misunderstanding about how focusable
           navigation and scrolling navigation are integrated in
           practice. WebTV literally solved this nearly two decades ago
  <tantek> It's not useful to theoretically reason about mixing
           focusable navigation and scrolling navigation about what's
           possible / pitfalls without referring to existing
           implementation experience which has (had) largely solved

  bkardell: I think the short version is that I'm hugely supportive of
            this idea
  bkardell: When the topic first came up, I made a comment that I had
            concerns in this area
  bkardell: We met a number of times in WICG to talk about them, and
            how do we move forward without being able to address some
            of the problematic things
  bkardell: They're not spat nav problems, they're platform focus
  bkardell: currently focus is a mess
  bkardell: There's a bug in WHATWG to work through a whole bunch of
  bkardell: There's something missing. It's not even really just in
            spat nav, there are concepts we use focus for that make it
            considerably more complex than what florian is presenting
  bkardell: Things are not just focusable or not, they may be keyboard
            focusable or not
  bkardell: It's convoluted already before adding spat nav
  bkardell: before we add controlling how focus moves through the page
            in CSS
  bkardell: This is not the only place we have a want for this in CSS,
            I'm hesitant to add more
  bkardell: I like this proposal for attempting to tackle some of
            this, and it makes a lot of sense, so yes I'm supportive
  <tantek> +1 bkardell, focus has many more complexities just on its
           own about specific elements, and yes they are platform
           focus challenges, a layer below spat nav challenges

  jihye: I think we need to make some conditions precise between
         switching interest and focus mode
  jihye: In your suggestion you said using Esc key e.g., pressing Esc
         will blur the focus
  jihye: there will be no focus ring in the page then
  jihye: If there is an interest element, and if it has an indicator
         for that, what will happen if you press Esc?
  jihye: I think nothing will happen at that moment
  jihye: so that kind of behavior can confuse users
  jihye: so I think maybe there will be some different style of
         indicator for focus and interest
  bokan: There would only be one ring on the page at any time
  bokan: If you blur focus, it doesn't necessarily remove the
         indicator. It would still be on an input field, but you would
         now be free to move around the page
  bokan: Not sure if I understand the situation
  jihye: For users, an indicator for both focus and interest maybe
         would be the same
  bokan: There shouldn't even be 2 different indicators, that would be
  bokan: today we implemented our experiment by only drawing [...]

  Rossen: There are patterns that are supposed to have a distinction
          between focus and interest
  Rossen: especially for a11y, consider the address bar
  Rossen: When you start typing, there will be search suggestions
  Rossen: As a user of a11y, you should be able to start reading the
          suggestions, it doesn't mean you're changing your typing
  Rossen: Again, the pattern there is that you have a control where
          you're typing, and you have an interest where you're reading
  Rossen: so I'm very sympathetic to the idea proposed here, it allows
          you to create such complex behavior and experience where you
          don't constantly have to fight with the focus in the page
  Rossen: That's why IMO the interest for dis-joining spatial nav from
          focus, and moving things forward, allowing a lot more
          freedom to avoid the current existing problems on the web
          with focus
  Rossen: sounds great
  jihye: Focusable elements should be the interest element?
  bokan: If you are focused you are interested. Interest doesn't imply
  bokan: Today to avoid confusion we blur when the interest moves.
         Don't have a strong opinion on that
  bokan: I could imagine there could be confusion if you move and
         scroll away and now you're typing into something off screen
  bokan: I'm willing to change my opinion on that

  myles: Trying to understand some pieces
  mlyes: Would there be some visual indicator of the interest?
  bokan: Yes
  myles: And it wouldn't interact with the rendering engine?
  bokan: Ideally yes
  bokan: not the case in our impl today
  bokan: Would have this be rendered outside the rendering engine
  myles: Any browser can implement any feature they want outside the
  myles: Presumably talking about it in this group because CSS can
         tweak the behavior
  bokan: I'm a bit concerned about the spec here being applied to the
         case of trying to spatially nav around pages that aren't
         designed for that
  bokan: So I guess my point is that I would like to see that not be a
         part of the platform
  bokan: Where the spec is useful is if you're designing specifically
         for spatial nav, so I would like to separate those two
  bokan: I think the reason I brought this up here is that having a
         spec with deep hooks into spatial nav here puts a lot of
         constraints on what we can do with a general purpose nav tool
  bokan: One example is that this would tie us closely to the main
  bokan: it would prohibit for example having a spatial nav mode that
         is independent of the main thread
  bokan: A long running JS task would break the experience
  bokan: Ideally you would be able to move around off main thread
  bokan: but if implement this spec for all cases it would prohibit
  AmeliaBR: So something that would run on the scrolling compositing
  bokan: Potentially, or another thread
  bkardell: Is it what ChromeVox and VoiceOver do?
  bokan: That would be my preference
  hober: Right

  florian: I think we have been slightly talking over each other with
  florian: IIUC in your experiment it's a pre-focus thing
  florian: Not a general a11y feature
  florian: it's restricted to focusable elements
  bokan: Yes
  bokan: To clarify, the interest would move in the same way as
         spatial nav does
  bokan: The spec of how navigation moves, the nav steps in the spec,
         we want to spec and follow that
  bokan: I think the interest as implemented today is a half step
  bokan: The greater aspiration would be to continue towards something
         like ChromeVoc, where it's outside the platform
  Rossen: With the difference that the content layer will be aware of
          where the interest is
  florian: I think this is where the tension is

  florian: If interest is largely pre-focus, and largely the
           difference is the page can't control it, this kind of
           conflicts with the reasons that we added all these focus
           controls to start with
  florian: If they're damaging the platform, we should remove them,
           but if we're not removing them because they're useful...
  florian: That's a weird tension
  florian: Rossen just said it would be a different layer
  florian: but if the page started controlling it we're back in the
           original problems
  florian: So this only works if the page can't control it. But then
           why do we have the original focus methods?

  bokan: Spatial nav is used by a small proportion of people on the
  bokan: All these APIs, they're useful if enough pages do something
         with them
  bokan: If a tiny percentage of users want to use them, authors won't
         test their pages with them
  florian: You could say the same for Tab key navigation
  bokan: I haven't thought deeply about that

  florian: Another thing, working off the main thread. That I'm
           sensitive to
  florian: I think there are tweaks to the existing design to make
           that easier
  florian: Most of the existing processing model currently doesn't
           require main thread
  florian: One thing that does sync it back to the main thread is that
           the way we offer the author the ability to hijack is
           through events
  florian: and these events tie back to the page's main thread
  florian: Would could give an ability to run that off the main thread

  bkardell: One clarification, I think that nobody is saying "here is
            a fully cooked idea, just accept it"
  bkardell: Simultaneously, some of us are saying that focus is
            currently sufficiently weird and there are other cases
            where we already overload focus and is convoluted
  bkardell: We have conflicting advice around focus
  bkardell: so there are a number of things to unwind that, and for
            spatial nav, I think this is the one we need
  bkardell: There are things to improve here
  bkardell: but I don't think the answer to remove focus
  florian: Not saying this is not a good idea, just that it's a hard
  florian: interest bundles in many aspects
  florian: we should explore the various aspects of this
  florian: and maybe take some but not all


Overscroll observability
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4011

  smfr: The issue here is whether web content should be able to
        observe when the user is rubber-banding
  smfr: when you reach the scroll extent of the scroll bar, and you
        pull down some more
  smfr: On Apple platforms we have rubber banding. On Android you get
        some overscroll affordance
  smfr: On Apple platforms we continue to send scroll events, and
        those have negative offsets if you're at the top/left
  smfr: or great than max offsets at bottom/right
  smfr: We found that this is not very web compatible, a bit of web
        content doesn't expect negative offsets
  smfr: listening to scroll events, taking those scroll positions as
        input to some math
  smfr: CodeMirror does this, the line numbers will jiggle around in
        weird ways
  smfr: So I'm considering making the rubber banding scroll offsets
        clamp to 0
  smfr: that then implies authors cannot detect when that is happening
  smfr: Should there be a different event that gets fired during
  smfr: I saw jonjon linked to a proposal
  smfr: I'd like to get feedback from other browser vendors
  smfr: Common desire for authors would be to have a pull to refresh
  smfr: It's possible I might break that when clamping to 0
  <smfr> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3801

  bokan: We at Chrome are very supportive of this
  bokan: an overscroll event?
  smfr: We're supportive of that. We've seen this as well, implement
        pull to refresh is difficult
  smfr: Pages want to know when you're reaching the end of the scroll,
        maybe adding a transform to start bringing in another view

  AmeliaBR: So this would mean, having a separate event -- the scroll
            event would never give you overscroll results, never give
            you negative offsets or larger than max
  AmeliaBR: and then this custom overscroll event would start firing
  AmeliaBR: Also means author could listen to overscroll without
            listening to scroll
  AmeliaBR: so they could handle pull to refresh even if they don't
            care about regular scrolling
  AmeliaBR: So smfr your only concern is that web apps might be
            currently listening to negative scroll offsets, when what
            they really want is overscroll events?
  smfr: Yes
  smfr: There is one somewhat tricky thing here which is if the user
        built up enough momentum when scrolling, and the scroller hits
        the end, it will rubber band
  smfr: So the overscroll events probably need to contain enough info
        to know the user has the finger down

  myles: An additional benefit, a website might not care where you are
         in the content, but do care about overscroll
  myles: distinguishing the types lets you do that
  heycam: Especially since scroll events are bad for performance?
  mstange: Scroll events themselves are fine because they fire async
  mstange: Wheel events are bad for perf, but that's only on desktop
  smfr: Wheel events and touch events are input to scrolling, scroll
        events are reactive to scroll
  mstange: I support the addition of scroll events, having a
           distinction is good
  <bkardell> +1

  smfr: The CSSOM View spec is the one that talks about scroll events
  smfr: would it fit into that spec?
  emilio: Probably, but do you want to edit that spec? There's no
  smfr: Not particularly
  Rossen: You might have to
  smfr: I'd be willing to write text for this specific thing

  <bradk> If the negative offsets are going away, can they have a
          deprecation warning in the console for a while first? So,
          some overlap of having both that and the new overscroll
          events for a while?

  <AmeliaBR> The repo for Overscroll & Scrollend events:

  heycam: Do these just send negative positions or ...?
  smfr: On some platforms there is not concept of a real negative
        positions values here
  heycam: I am kind of wondering if we should not be asking authors to
          do the math to figure out these things based on positions -
          like when does it 'indicate'
  heycam: Maybe we should just have events when that happens
  smfr: The simpler thing is that we just do that, the more complex is
        that we give them discrete values
  bokan: I think the pull to refresh is just one case
  bokan: You have a carousel article, horizontally scrolling and when
         you reach the end you do an animated transition
  bokan: Having a predefined animation would be more limiting
  smfr: I think I agree

  majidvp: I just want to point out that this matches nicely with
           overscroll-behavior property
  majidvp: The author will use that property to prevent chaining, or
           the overscroll action triggering the native overscroll
  majidvp: and declaratively you prevent the default action
  majidvp: Then you use overscroll events to customize, create the
           animation that responds to user input without having to add
           any sort of blocking events, I think that allows you to do
           this without being main thread bound
  smfr: That sounds good
  mstange: Do we already have a spec with overscroll events with delta
  <smfr> https://navidz.github.io/overscroll-scrollend-events/
  majidvp: This is in incubation. Proposed in WICG
  majidvp: They are looking for feedback
  majidvp: whether you need the deltas, or maybe just the sum of the
           deltas, they'd like feedback on that
  <NavidZ> It is not yet in incubation. I would love more support to
           move the repo under WICG. So please comment on the
  majidvp: There's also scrollend event
  <NavidZ> There has been some concerns for example regarding the
           reversal of scroll in UAs but I think we can iterate on
           those and add more css attributes to control those as well

  mstange: Is there also a way to tell -- let's say fingers down, get
           into overscroll, then release
  majidvp: and you're still in the overscroll state for a while after
           lifting the finger
  bokan: Not sure if it's part of the same proposal, but there was an
         event called scrollend when the scroll gesture finishes
  bokan: that would be for this case
  mstange: So scroll event wouldn't be separation of scroll and
  bokan: It could come between either, but all at the end
  bokan: It's when the finger is lifted
  bokan: if you're rubber banding, the proposal here would be "you're
         no longer scrolling"
  smfr: There's a period where the scroll view is animating back from
        negative position to 0
  smfr: When do you fire scrollend, and do you fire overscroll events
        for that automatic animation
  bokan: smfr you said you found negative scroll was not web compat?
  smfr: But if you turn those into overscroll events for that settling
        period, that's fine
  smfr: but I think we may need to add data to the overscroll event to
        say if the finger is down
  bokan: I don't think we're set on one shape of the API, but it is
         important to know when the user has lifted their finger

  mstange: There are a bunch of different questions here, don't know
           which we need to discuss now
  mstange: One more question. The idea is scrollTop will reflect out
           of range values?
  smfr: Having scrollTop reflect negative values is one of the big
        parts that's not web compat
  smfr: so it would need to be clamped to zero
  mstange: In the overscroll events we'd carry the correct
           information, maybe the relative update since the last event
           and the current absolute position?
  mstange: You need the absolute position e.g. to update your parallax
  mstange: I've seen cases maybe in the Apple Maps app, if you open a
           panel on the point of interest, you can scroll in the
           panel, and it does something parallaxy in the header image
  mstange: It wants to know the scrollTop
  smfr: I think that's probably necessary
  smfr: We should start opening issues on the overscroll spec
  smfr: and go from there
  mstange: Sounds good
  bokan: There's a WICG thread about this, please chime in
  <bokan> WICG thread:

  AmeliaBR: smfr did you want a resolution on your original issue
            about the scroll events and negative offsets? or are you
            going to wait on resolve that until overscroll events are
            more clearly defined
  smfr: The CSSOM View spec currently doesn't say anything about
  smfr: better to leave it that way until we have the rest of the
        stuff in a well defined state
  Rossen: That's a good way
  Rossen: plus when we have the WICG repo we can filing more issues
  mstange: If we start clamping scrollTop, do we clamp other things
  mstange: like getBoundingClientRect in the middle of overscroll state
  mstange: We can discuss those in that other location

  -- lunch time --

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2019 22:51:05 UTC