[CSSWG] Minutes Toronto F2F 2019-06-06 Part I: Sizing, Grid, Filter Effects, Media Queries [css-sizing] [css-grid] [filter-effects] [mediaqueries]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.


  - RESOLVED: Explicit aspect-ratio applies to whichever box the
              box-sizing property specifies. Auto applies to
              content-box (Issue #4007)
  - Sizing 4 is currently scoped to contain the aspect-ratio property,
      the "stretch" keyword (fill-available width) and the "contain"
      keyword. If there are other features which should be included,
      please reach out to fantasai.

CSS Grid

  - RESOLVED: Fix grid algorithm to only skip distributing space to
              intrinsic tracks when the item spans at least one
              flexible track *with an intrinsic minimum*. (Issue #3705)

Filter Effects

  - FXTF Issue #53 (Backdrop filters should not use BackgroundImage)
      still needs more details on how WebKit's functionality is
      designed before the group can decide on if they'll take Webkit's
      behavior or Chromium's. The Firefox team is ready to work on
      this so a decision need to be made soon. In an absence of more
      information about Webkit's proposal the group is leaning toward
      accepting Chromium's.

Media Queries

  - There were new proposals to address the disagreement on property
      mapping for prefers-color-scheme (Issue #3857).
  - One proposal was to have the properties dark, no-preference, and
      bright where no-preference maps to the light theme for OSs.
  - The next proposal was to have 5 options to pick from; strong
      preference for light, a weak preference for light (current
      default), no preference, weak preference for dark, and strong
      preference for dark.
  - There was still not agreement on the best way forward, nor what
      these options would communicate to authors in terms of how many
      themes they must design.


Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/toronto-2019

  Rachel Andrew, Fronteers
  Rossen Atanassov, Microsoft
  Tab Atkins, Google
  L. David Baron, Mozilla
  Amelia Bellamy-Royds, Invited Expert
  Oriol Brufau, Igalia
  Tantek Çelik, Mozilla
  Dave Cramer, Hachette Livre
  Elika Etemad, Invited Expert
  Rob Flack, Google
  Jihye Hong, LGE
  Koji Ishii, Google
  Brian Kardell, Igalia and Open JS Foundation
  Ian Kilpatrick, Google
  Una Kravets, Google
  Chris Lilley, W3C
  Stanton Marcum, Amazon
  Cameron McCormack, Mozilla
  Theresa O'Connor, Apple
  François Remy, Invited Expert
  Florian Rivoal, Invited Expert
  Jen Simmons, Mozilla
  Alan Stearns, Adobe
  Lea Verou, Invited Expert

Scribe: TabAtkins
Scribe's scribe: fantasai


Does aspect-ratio work on the content box or the border box?
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4007

  fantasai: Question was, does aspect-ratio affect the calculations
            for content-box or border-box? Good question.
  fantasai: Images, intrinsic aspect ratio always affects the content
            box; to do otherwise would screw up the image.
  fantasai: But for non-replaced elements, not a great answer; often
            you want to aspect-ratio the border box, as that's the
            visible bounds of the element.
  fantasai: As a reminder, aspect-ratio has two values, "auto" which
            means there's no aspect-ratio unless you're a replaced
            element with an intrinsic ratio... and <ratio> which gives
            an explicit ratio to use
  fantasai: So our proposal is that with "auto" the intrinsic ratio is
            used, and we apply it to the content box.
  fantasai: But if you give an explicit ratio, it affects whichever
            box box-sizing says.

  AmeliaBR: I want to read this carefully and see how it compares with
            how SVG behaves.
  AmeliaBR: I think your proposal is a good default.
  AmeliaBR: I might come back with a request to be able to specify the
            box for the aspect ratio separate from box-sizing box.
  AmeliaBR: So might want to set the width of an element's border box,
            but still set aspect-ratio of the content box.
  florian: You want to investigate how much that idea would be needed?
  AmeliaBR: Yeah, I think fantasai's proposal will cover most cases.
            Might just need an addition.

  Rossen: Unfortunate thing is there will be yet another percent
          resolution that'll by cyclic.
  TabAtkins: It won't be a new one.
  AmeliaBR: aspect-ratio didn't use a percent...
  Rossen: Padding can be a percent which is affected by the width
          which is affected by the height which is affected by the
  Rossen: But let's go with it and see how it goes.
  fantasai: So do we want to accept the proposal?
  AmeliaBR: Already pushed a draft?
  fantasai: Yeah, and think there's a disposition of changes.
  Rossen: Any objections?
  <tantek> +1

  RESOLVED: Explicit aspect-ratio applies to whichever box the
            box-sizing property specifies. Auto applies to content-box

css-sizing draft status

  fantasai: 3 features we targeted for Sizing 4 was aspect-ratio
            property, "stretch" keyword (fill-available width) and the
            "contain" keyword, which does contain sizing on a box
            inside a container.
  fantasai: We haven't drafted the last two, so I'm not yet requesting
            fpwd, but if someone thinks something else should go in
            this draft, let me know

CSS Grid

Automatic minimum sizes
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3705

  oriol: When we have a grid item spanning tracks and one has an
         "auto" min sizing function, we apply an automatic minimum
         size, which makes the grid span grow according to its
  oriol: Normally this doesn't cause overflow, because these tracks
         will grow to be at least the minimum contribution of the item
  oriol: But this might not be the case when we have flexible tracks.
  oriol: In this case, the intrinsic contributions are only
         distributed into the flexible tracks, and we don't consider
         those to be fixed.
  oriol: So if we have an item spanning multiple tracks, some of which
         are flexible, and those have fixed min sizing function, we
         won't distribute any minimum contribution to them; and the
         rest of the tracks are auto with non-fixed min sizing
         function. This will cause the grid item to grow larger than
         the tracks.
  oriol: To solve this we have two options.
  oriol: One would be to distribute minimum contribution of the item
         to the flexible tracks, even if they have a fixed min sizing
  oriol: Second is to distribute minimum contribution among the
         non-flexible tracks with intrinsic min, which currently won't
         get the contribution because they're not flexible.
  oriol: fantasai preferred first, I prefer second
  oriol: I think it's strange for the track to grow according to the
         intrinsic contributions of the contents if the author says
         its fixed

  <fantasai> grid-template-columns: auto minmax(0px, 1fr);
  fantasai: Item that spans both. Where should the space go?
  fantasai: Compare to spanning all tracks in this example...
  <fantasai> grid-template-columns: auto minmax(0px, 1fr) minmax(auto,
  fantasai: In this, our current answer is that all the space will go
            into minmax(auto, 1fr) track.
  fantasai: So we can compare this to our first example where we're
            overflowing currently.
  fantasai: Reason it goes into that third track is because when we're
            figuring out what sizes resolve to, we first distribute
            space to items not spanning flexible tracks, then to
            flexible tracks; for items spanning flexible tracks, only
            the flexible tracks get that item's contribution.
  fantasai: So if you have "auto minmax(auto, 1fr)" with some items
            only in "auto" and some spanning both, "auto" will tightly
            wrap its sole items and the fr will get the rest
  fantasai: So that's the reason for our staging: flexible tracks get
            space more greedily than non-flexible tracks with the same
  fantasai: But in our first case, the flexible track has a fixed min.
            So we don't distribute any size to it at all, because
            there's nothing to figure out; it's 0px, not an intrinsic
  fantasai: My proposal is that, following principle that flexible
            tracks are trying to absorb more space, we'll distribute
            the space to the flexible track, not the "auto" track.
  fantasai: If there's only one item, all the space will go into the
            flexible track.
  fantasai: With many items though, the result is that the auto track
            will tightly fit its sole contents, and the spanners'
            extra space will go into the flexible track. This is a
            useful layout
  fantasai: Since this is the reason we did the behavior for
            flexible-with-auto-min, I think we should continue that

  fremy: If there's no flexible track at all, all the space goes into
         "auto", right?
  fantasai: Yes. We exclude the spanner in the first stage because it
            spans a flexible track, and we expect all of it to go into
            the flexible. If it didn't span a flexible track, we would
            not skip it in the first stage.
  rachelandrew: I agree with you. However, I'm aware that authors have
                already encountered this issue, that 1fr has an auto
  rachelandrew: We've been teaching that using minmax(0, 1fr) will
                give them the start-from-0 behavior, equally sized
  rachelandrew: I think they'd more expect the auto track to grow,
                rather than the 0 min, because they expect the fr
                tracks to be equal size.
  rachelandrew: I agree that your proposal is good behavior, but I'm
                afraid it'll be contrary to expectations.
  florian: So your example: there are "auto minmax(0, 1fr) minmax(0,
           1fr)", and they expect the fr tracks to stay the same?
  rachelandrew: Yes.

  jensimmons: What's today's behavior again?
  TabAtkins: The item overflows; the auto track is skipped because the
             item spans a flexible track, then the flexible is skipped
             because its min isn't intrinsic.
  fantasai: As long as there's enough space to grow, all
            minmax(auto,1fr) columns will have equal widths. Only when
            the grid container doesn't have enough space will you end
            up with unequal columns.
  TabAtkins: Wait, revisiting the example with "auto minmax(0 1fr)
             minmax(0 1fr)", and an item only spans the first two. The
             middle column would get all the space, increasing its
             base size; wouldn't that make them unequal?
  fantasai: No, fr tracks don't grow from a base size. They'll try to
            grow to be equal, and only become unequal if they can't do
            that. So as long as there's space for them to be equal
            size, they will be.

  fantasai: I think Rachel does have a point; if you wanted that
            behavior, you could have written minmax(auto, 1fr).
  rachelandrew: I think authors expect that, expect "auto" to grow.
  rachelandrew: But I'm sympathetic to your argument if we were
                starting from that behavior.
  TabAtkins: Okay so in Oriol's suggestion, we would only skip auto
             tracks if the item spans at least one flexible track
             *with an intrinsic min*, so all the space would go to the
             auto track.

  Rossen: Objections to Oriol's suggestion?

  RESOLVED: Fix grid algorithm to only skip distributing space to
            intrinsic tracks when the item spans at least one flexible
            track *with an intrinsic minimum*.

Filter Effects

backdrop-filter disagreement
  github: https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/53

  dbaron: My understanding is that there's disagreement between WK and
          Blink about how backdrop-filter should work
  dbaron: Previous state is that spec is kinda vague
  dbaron: Current state is that blink engineers wrote a new spec that
          reflects their engine, and WK disagrees with this.
  dbaron: a) if would be good to solve this to get with interop
  dbaron: b) we have a summer intern that should work on this
  dbaron: If this is a viable project we need to tell this intern what
          to do
  dbaron: I think part of the problem is that we don't necessarily
          have the right people in the room
  TabAtkins: Sounds like our objection is based on our technical
  TabAtkins: WebKit's is based on their technical architecture
  TabAtkins: y'all presumably also have a preference based on your
             technical architecture?

  mstange: I agree with Chrome's proposal entirely; there were some
           objections, they got addressed
  mstange: Chrome's proposal is easier to implement and makes more
           sense to authors imo
  mstange: Other resolution from last time is that if Apple wants
           their impl in spec they have to write up how that works
  hober: As far as I understand, Dino still has that action.
  TabAtkins: Given questions we had on "how does it work" were "we're
             not sure"
  TabAtkins: I can't in good conscience accept their proposal
  TabAtkins: Right now we have a choice between "here's an explicit
             algorithm" and "we haven't described this yet"
  dbaron: Having seen some of the discussion...
  dbaron: I think WK was arguing their stuff is better for users
  dbaron: I think I'm sympathetic to that, looking at examples, but it
          does require details of how it actually works
  mstange: Still important questions, like does it punch through group
           opacity, etc
  mstange: So in examples where you have opacity but not group
           opacity, those are simpler cases.
  mstange: So putting in a special case into the spec that lets you
           punch through opacity when it's not acting as group
           opacity, that's tricky. And letting it punch through when
           it *is* group opacity, that's hard to predict.

  AmeliaBR: So all we can resolve right now is that we need a clear
            description of the disagreements between the
  Rossen: That's where we left it last time.
  dbaron: And Apple engineers should be aware that if they don't give
          details, we're probably defaulting to Chrome's
  myles: The technical burden of altering Core Animation to support
         Chrome's behavior is on the same order of magnitude of
         altering Chrome's compositor to support our behavior.
  iank: Part of our reason for our architecture is because we care
        about very low-end memory gpu classes
  dbaron: So that's about it.

Media Queries
  Scribe: fantasai
  Scribe's scribe: fremy

  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3857

  TabAtkins: To start, the prefers-color-scheme, being one of the
             prefers- family of MQs
  TabAtkins: is supposed to have a 'no-preference' value, which means
             website can do whatever it wants
  TabAtkins: We thought it'd be useful to have a 'light' value which
             means "give me bright color schemes, maybe I'm in a
             bright environment or something"
  TabAtkins: and "dark" means "please don't blast me with light colors
             right now"
  TabAtkins: The OSes with only a binary choices, i.e. Mac and Android
  TabAtkins: I don't know what our non-dark value will map to
  TabAtkins: but Apple maps 'dark' to 'dark'
  TabAtkins: and the other value to 'light'
  TabAtkins: I strongly disagree with this, because it doesn't match
             the intention in creating these values
  TabAtkins: But if they insist on doing that
  TabAtkins: we have a new proposal to do that
  TabAtkins: Light is supposed to actively be light
  TabAtkins: So proposal is to add another value called "bright"
  TabAtkins: and light will be the default and will mean "do whatever
             you want"
  TabAtkins: which will mostly be light on the Web
  TabAtkins: This is what we're going to do if nobody changes their
             minds from yesterday
  TabAtkins: MSFT will map their three values to three values
  TabAtkins: So we need to provide three values
  TabAtkins: If Apple insists on treating 'light' and 'no-preference'
             as equivalent, then we'll need to make 'light' mean
             no-preference and add a new value for bright
  TabAtkins: I will not write a spec if implementations are diverging
             in a way that doesn't do something useful for authors

  emilio: I don't see an issue with issues biasing towards bright mode
          in Macs
  AmeliaBR: The other option is Safari just doesn't offer one of those
            three options
  AmeliaBR: Fact that Safari doesn't offer users user preference of
            "let the website do whatever it wants"
  fantasai: That means authors will treat light as no preference
  AmeliaBR: If a website had a light mode and a dark mode, but for
            branding preferred dark mode, would you expect them to get
            the light version or the dark version when visiting in
            light mode
  hober: I don't understand
  AmeliaBR: As a website designer I made two variants, light mode and
            dark mode. I don't like the dark mode design, but if user
            really wants it I'll provide it
  AmeliaBR: So in dark mode I'll show dark mode
  AmeliaBR: of course
  AmeliaBR: But in light mode, which do you expect?
  hober: Website does whatever it wants
  hober: Website doesn't have to respond or can respond whatever
  fremy: Yeah, but the point is that the website should interpret
         options in an interoperable way across OSes
  fremy: otherwise authors will need to do (prefers: light) and (os:
         windows) and that's sad

  jensimmons: I think there's less disagreement than we realize
  jensimmons: Seems like we really only want two designs in most cases
  jensimmons: and the designer just chooses in no-pref
  jensimmons: but there are three choices
  jensimmons: and the designer could create three designs
  jensimmons: The current expectation we have for authors about the
              tri-state query won't actually happen with real authors
  jensimmons: I think we're going to create a situation that's chaotic
              for authors and it will be hard to teach
  jensimmons: I think maybe there shouldn't be a no-pref MQ
  jensimmons: but have MQ for light and for dark
  jensimmons: and some other tool like a meta viewport that's like a
  jensimmons: so that site can say that "in the no-preference state,
              we prefer dark"
  hober: I think that sounds great, jensimmons
  TabAtkins: I think there's some confusion
  TabAtkins: no-preference is intended to be state of Web today
  TabAtkins: If the user doesn't care, I would like to be X
  TabAtkins: But that still means that on Safari or on Android,
             depending on how "not dark " is interpreted
  TabAtkins: The page will be told "be light" or "be light" instead of
             "be your best"
  TabAtkins: The preference isn't for the page to not have a
             preference, it's for the user to express they don't have
             a preference

  dbaron: I think in the model that Tab had in mind earlier
  dbaron: it still had the same goal that you had
  dbaron: It was just targeting in a different way
  dbaron: With the model Tab had in the spec, if the site wanted to
          handle the no-preference case by being dark
  dbaron: then the site would write MQ only against light
  dbaron: so they would write (user wants light) or not (user wants
  dbaron: latter case would capture both dark and no-preference
  dbaron: If the site's natural preference was light, they would write
          their MQ as "user has preference for dark" and "user doesn't
          have a preference for dark"
  dbaron: This is how Tab's proposal would be used

  fantasai: I hate meta tags for styling.
  fantasai: ...
  fantasai: Important to note that MQ with no-pref value is an
            established MQ pattern.
  fantasai: Using a meta tag for handling no-preference would be bad.

  bkardell: Since the Web until now has not had ability to preference,
            then current state is no-pref
  bkardell: Why do you need a preference
  bkardell: someone can actively choose one or the other
  bkardell: but some default will happen
  AmeliaBR: But doesn't have to propagate to the website
  Rossen: Might be light sometimes / some apps or dark sometimes /
          some apps
  TabAtkins: We have to propagate no-pref to the website
  astearns: That's not something authors should do
  TabAtkins: If not caring about the preference at all
  astearns: i.e. MQ that hits on no-pref
  TabAtkins: Which is today's world
  bkardell: Do you you need a MQ that says "don't do anything special"

  jensimmons: I think we all want the same thing but disagreeing how
              to get there
  jensimmons: There's going to be a lot of code that's not in an MQ
  jensimmons: that will apply in both light and dark modes and in
              no-pref state as well

  Rossen: I have my preferences for the last 20 yrs, they have been
          dark because that's what my page looks like
  Rossen: but now my users might want light
  Rossen: I want my page to be dark generally, but if they *really*
          want light I will provide it
  Rossen: So I'm only going to respond to (light)
  Rossen: On the other side, I might have the opposite
  Rossen: e.g. ebay
  Rossen: Always light, never cared about anything else that light
  Rossen: Now I know that some ppl might care about dark
  Rossen: I don't care about adjusting for anyone else, because light
          is fine
  Rossen: but if user really wants dark, then I'll provide dark

  TabAtkins: Suppose you have a phone
  TabAtkins: Has preference
  TabAtkins: for dark mode
  TabAtkins: I expect well-behaved websites to be dark
  TabAtkins: If you flip on dark mode on the phone, and you visit a
             website on your phone
  TabAtkins: do you expect the website to respond to dark?
  jensimmons: I expect that if the site designed a dark-mode, it will
              provide that dark mode
  jensimmons: which could be a range of different types of experiences
  TabAtkins: If you flip dark mode on, you expect the page to do a
             "dark thing"
  TabAtkins: If dark mode is *not* turned on, do you expect them to
             all be light?
  TabAtkins: So you expect that if you're not in dark mode currently,
             websites will be mostly light
  jensimmons: I expect users to see the Web as it currently exists
  TabAtkins: If the dark mode preference is on, pages will be
             reasonably consistently dark
  TabAtkins: but in light mode, you expect it to be as things are
             today, mostly light but some dark
  jensimmons: There are two conversations here. One is what designers
              "should" do
  TabAtkins: My question is about if you have a binary toggle, what do
             you expect the web to look like?
  jensimmons: You're advocating for websites to have three designs
  dbaron: Tab isn't advocating that
  hober: He's giving them a knob to do that
  jensimmons: But you're advocating to force things?
  TabAtkins: I'm not
  TabAtkins: I'm asking what you're expecting pages to look like
  dbaron: Just because you can write an MQ for 'width' for 400px,
          401px, 403px, etc.
  dbaron: We're not advocating a website have a design for each of
          those things
  dbaron: We're advocating that the website have design for some
          pieces of the continuum, and others for other pieces of the
  dbaron: Tab is advocating that a website have two designs for this
          three-part continuum
  jensimmons: So you're saying, when a site has intentionally dark "ok
  jensimmons: and if site has intentionally light "ok whatever"
  TabAtkins: ?????
  jensimmons: If our intention is for authors in the authors to have
              two designs
  jensimmons: I don't understand what's wrong with
  jensimmons: design what's going to show up in light mode and what's
              showing up in dark mode
  jensimmons: ...
  Rossen: Tab's point is that when I switch my phone away from dark
  Rossen: Consider page like Mercedes, which is currently dark that's
          their preference
  Rossen: Should that page switch to a light mode theme
  jensimmons: Does Mercedes make that decision?
  Rossen: Yes. We're not forcing any colors.

  <tantek> I'm going share these here just for the record, Firefox has
           at least "Default, Light, Dark" themes today by default:
  <tantek> we intended to communicate this "by default" in
  <tantek> users can install many more themes:
  <tantek> er I mean top of that page:
  <tantek> as a real world example of a site that has intentionally
           designed many themes, some lighter, some darker than the
           default: https://adactio.com/

  dbaron: We've had 2-3 discussions going on here
  dbaron: I had a proposal related to what I think the discussion
          between Tab and Tess was
  dbaron: which is that maybe three states in this continuum isn't
          enough. Maybe we want 5 states
  dbaron: In that there is a strong preference for light, a weak
          preference for light that is more defaulty, no preference,
          weak preference for dark, or strong preference for dark
  dbaron: But it might be the way to represent that some OSes have two
          states and others have three state
  dbaron: is more states
  dbaron: because the continuum is different
  dbaron: One thing I'm thinking is that you have a larger continuum
  dbaron: and authors will put a breakpoint on one point in that
  dbaron: but put on breakpoints different points in the continuum
  <tantek> +1 dbaron, this is why we're arguing. the lines of the
           different states don't line-up across interpretations

  <jensimmons> We have to figure this out. We can’t punt and not do it.
  <jensimmons> Browsers have already shipped support. So have OSes.
  <jensimmons> I like what David said about 5 options…. yes, that’s
               likely the reality of whatever…. but it doesn’t matter.
               Our job is not to represent in code the range of design
               considerations. Our job is to provide a direct
               connection between Authors and OS/browser settings.
  <jensimmons> There’s just two  — light & dark. If we give Authors 3
               or 5 options — what does that mean????

  fantasai: The problem is that many options will be confusing
  fantasai: Theoretically it works, but it seems suboptimal
  fantasai: Also, no preference by the user will usually end up light,
            because that's the normal human preference
  fantasai: A no-preference mode in that set wouldn't mean much, and
            it would be interpreted as light
  fantasai: Also, rather than adding yet another keyword, it would
            make a lot of sense to have apple map their preference to
            map their light theme to both light and no-preference,
            then websites can respond to this
  fantasai: In a way that's better than just os-targeting
  <tantek> +1 fantasai, we need a way for implementers to be able to
           only implement one explicit preference (e.g. dark) and map
           the others to no preference

  Rossen: ok, I hear even more people trying to reply, let's not get
          into this more
  Rossen: Let's have a break, you are all welcome to discuss this
          during the break


  <AmeliaBR> Problem with fantasai's example: if my website used
             `@media (p-c-s: dark) OR NOT (p-c-s)` versus `@media (
             p-c-s: light)` logically these two should be mutually
             exclusive pairs.
  <tantek> hence there's a good reason to have p-c-s: none

  <TabAtkins> BTW: based on current discussion, I'm editing p-c-s to
              be "light | dark | bright", dropping the no-preference
              value (and defining that "light" should be what a lack
              of preference means).
  <tantek> TabAtkins wow
  <TabAtkins> tantek, I can't write an MQ value that gives author
              wrong advice. This is what I'm stuck with atm.

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2019 22:50:43 UTC