Re: [CSSWG] New issue labels in GitHub

> On Feb 15, 2018, at 9:30, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I went to create some new labels, and found that GitHub itself is promoting “Good First Issue” and “Help Wanted”. So that’s what I added to our repo:
> Good First Issue: An uncomplicated change a new person should be able to make.
> Help Wanted: Edits needed for a document without a current editor, pull requests welcome.


These look good to me.

However, we also need a bit of (visible) documentation telling people how this works,
and in particular how that relates to resolution.

Something like this (with a bit of extra context to make sense to newcomers):

* If there's been a resolution, the Pull Request needs to be based on what it says.
  If the spec has an editor, they should follow up and review/merge it.
  If the spec does not have an editor, then [... insert what we expect people to do ...]

* If there hasn't been a resolution, the Pull Request may be merged as is
  if what it does it trivial and/or the spec is early stage,
  but quite possibly it will need to be discussed by the WG before being approved.
  Using the Agenda+ label is a good way to bringing a proposed changed to the attention
  of the WG.


Received on Thursday, 15 February 2018 07:43:02 UTC