Re: [css-syntax]The emperor isn't naked, but he's wearing his underpants on his head

On Fri, 4 Nov 2016 17:15:35 +0000, you wrote:

>I suggest that you try putting together a working prototype, and see if it is useful for you. Then see if it is useful to others. It's a long uphill battle to replace an entrenched technology, and some early experiments may show whether your idea is worth the effort. Radium itself had some early enthusiasm behind it, and it's been a good experiment on whether the cascade is worth the bother (My impression is this experiment has confirmed that it is).

I appreciate the suggestion, Alan, but I've learned over the
years that change only works if those with organisational
legitimacy get behind it.  Absent that, I'm already doing all I
can just by raising the issue.

Received on Monday, 7 November 2016 11:09:17 UTC