Re: The Prellipsis

On 02/13/2016 11:46, Connor Egbert wrote:
> However, many times the most important part of a line of text is not what
> is at the beginning, but what is at the end. A file path, for example. It
> is not very important that the file exists in C://Users/Documents/…

I think what you're asking for is 'text-align: unsafe right'.

FYI, we implemented that internally in Gecko more than two years ago.
We are still waiting for a trivial spec change so that we may ship it
to you.  Sigh.

> The solution lies in a simple yet highly effective keyword: ‘prellipsis’
> In the CSS:
> .filepath {
>     text-overflow: prellipsis;
> }

'text-overflow' has this feature already: 'text-overflow: ellipsis clip'
will ellipsise overflow on the left side.


Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 18:51:33 UTC