Re: [css-flexbox] Behaviour of percentage heights in column direction

Just discussed these 3 issues with Rossen/fantasai/Tab/Greg. Since I've listed all 3 issues all here, I'll post the results for all 3 here, too.

(For (2) and (3), I'll also post on their own threads as well.)

On 02/24/2015 04:51 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
>  (1) This thread here: "should we make 'min-height:auto' taint the resulting flexed height on a vertical flex item & make it indefinite?" (I slightly lean towards 'yes' for perf reasons; Greg disagrees; I'm OK either way.)
> Link to thread (hey, you're already here!):

Answer: no, min-height:auto doesn't make something indefinite.
* Spec change needed: clarify section 9.8 (1st sentence at least) to mention that "definite sizes" *can* in fact depend (in part) on content measurements.

>  (2) "Should min/max size properties be *actively suppressed* when you have to do layout to resolve the flex base size?" (Firefox & IE say "yes, suppress them". The spec used to be explicit about this, but became more vague probably-accidentally, as I noted in the thread.  Chrome disagrees with Firefox/IE & does not suppress the effects of the min/max sizing properties.)
> Link to thread:

Answer: yes. This is already implied, but not quite clear enough (particularly given that Chrome/Blink didn't implement it this way).
* Spec change needed: clarify 9.3.3 D & E to indicate that anything inside of "lay out the item" there *excludes* min/max clamping.

>  (3) "Should min-content size be considered at all, when resolving min-width:auto on an element with an intrinsic aspect ratio?" (Firefox says no; it sounds like IE says yes. The spec used to agree with Firefox, and was then changed -- though it sounded like the rewrite that changed it was just intended to cover more edge cases, not to change behavior like this.)
> Link to thread:

Answer: Yes. The current spec text on this (depending on image's min-content size) is intentional & is needed to prevent images from mysteriously shrinking (by default) in a flex container with e.g. 2 flex items -- an image and a paragraph of text.

Received on Monday, 2 March 2015 20:40:14 UTC