[CSS2.1] Interop Issue in regards to fixed/absolute positioned children inside of inline-relative containers


We have found an interop issue on how an inline-relative's offset should affect a fixed/absolute element.

Absolute Example: http://jsfiddle.net/eUV76/1/embedded/result/
Fixed Example: http://jsfiddle.net/4MvcD/2/embedded/result/

_IE_: children are moved by the offset both horizontally and vertically and this applies to both inline and block fixed/absolute children, and fixed vs absolute are identically positioned.

_Chrome_: Fixed child is moved by the offset horizontally but not vertically and this applies to both inline and block fixed children.  Absolute child that is inline is moved horizontally and vertically.  Absolute child that is block is strangely offset even when the inline-relative has left:0px; this strange offset is added to inline-relative's left offset when it is specified; vertically the element is moved by the offset as in IE.

_Firefox_: Inline children are moved horizontally but not vertically and block children are not moved at all.  Fixed vs absolute are identically positioned.

I feel that IE is handling this correct as Chrome handling absolute differently than fixed elements seems wrong as does moving it horizontally but not vertically. Firefox treating inline and block children differently in this case seems like a bug as well.

Any input is welcomed, thanks.


Received on Monday, 14 July 2014 23:19:19 UTC