Re: [css3-fonts] font-language-override: substantive comments

fantasai wrote:

> # However, a given font may lack support for a specific
> # language. In this situation authors may need to use the
> # typographic conventions of a related language that are
> # supported by that font:
> #
> # <body lang="mk">     <!-- Macedonian lang code -->
> # body { font-language-override: "SRB";
> #        /* Serbian OpenType language tag */ }
> If this is actually a use case we want to support, I'd like to
> see this property take a comma-separated list of values, so that
> if the font actually used does support the correct language, it
> can be activated. (Suppose for example we get a fallback font,
> or the font gets updated to handle Serbian.)

While this might make sense, I don't think it's a necessary addition.
I think we should wait to see how much this feature is used in
practice and let that be a guide as to how to make improvements.
Defining what "fallback" means is tricky and I think an unnecessary
complication at this level.

This is really intended for situations where a downloadable font
is used, where an author can explicitly select a language system
that he knows exists within the font data.


John Daggett

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2013 04:14:04 UTC