Re: Comments for Grid Layout

Hi - thanks for posting my link Lea

>> 2) They universally found it confusing that gutters are columns too [2] and
>> expected an equivalent of multicol’s column-gap instead.
> Yes, we need an explicit gutter property for column and row gutters.
> Otherwise, auto flow is *completely* broken when "gutters" are used.

I think that will make a huge difference. It currently feels as if one has to hack round the lack of explicit gutters. Something like column-gap would work very well.

>> 4) Also, this has some good feedback and I haven’t seen Rachel posting it to
>> the list: [4]
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> [3]:
>> [4]:
> Yes, I saw this a few days ago and have had it open in my browser
> since.  It shows some confusion over things that already exist in the
> draft, but that just means we need to make things clearer and easier.
> Otherwise, great feedback.

Can you explain where it is incorrect - mostly because a ton of people have linked to it so I'd like to clarify where I'm muddled! With these posts I'm pretty much writing up what I think is supposed to happen for my own use, and publishing it in case it helps someone else. 

Rachel Andrew

Received on Friday, 3 May 2013 16:26:02 UTC